USAC to Update RHC Rates Database
The Wireline Competition Bureau (WCB) directed the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) on December 23, 2020, to update its urban and rural rates database (RHC Database) for the Rural Health Care Telecommunications Program for all funding requests committed since its July 1, 2020, launch.
FCC Settles E-rate Violation Investigation with IBM
On December 23, 2020, the Federal Communications Commission announced a settlement of more than $24 million with IBM for E-rate violations.
Proposed 1Q 2021 USF Contribution Factor Set at 31.8%
Today, in a Public Notice, the FCC announced that the proposed USF contribution factor for the first quarter of 2021 will be 31.8 percent.
FCC Extends E-rate and RHC Gift Rule Waivers
Yesterday, the Wireline Competition Bureau released an Order extending its waivers of the Rural Healthcare and E-Rate program gift rules through June 30, 2021.
New RHC Rules Effective in FY 2020 Instead of FY 2021
On November 30, 2020, the Wireline Competition Bureau released an Order accelerating the effective dates of certain rules it had previously delayed until FY 2021.
RHC Funding Year 2021 Filing Window Announced
On November 5, 2020, USAC announced the Rural Health Care filing window will open on January 4, 2021 and close on April 1, 2021.
WCB Adopts E-Rate FY 2021 ESL
On November 30, 2020, the Wireline Competition Bureau issued the Eligible Services List (ESL) for Funding Year 2021.