FCC Seeks Comment on Using E-rate Funds for Remote Learning
On February 1, 2021, the Federal Communications Commission today issued a Public Notice seeking comment on several petitions asking the FCC to permit the use of E-rate funds to support remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Comments are due February 16, 2021 and reply comments are due February 23, 2021. All filings should refer to WC Docket No. 21-31.
In a News Release issued at the same time, Acting Chairman Jessica Rosenworcel expressed her support for the change. “We need to get to work to update E-Rate funding so all our students can be connected to virtual classrooms, no matter who they are or where they live,” said Acting Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel. “Kids shouldn’t have to do homework in parking lots because that’s the only place they can get online. We can do better. We can close the Homework Gap. Today’s action is the first step in a process to hear about the emergency relief communities are seeking and to chart a path forward for the FCC to help solve this crisis.”The Commission sought comments specifically on three petitions raising the issues for most of the requests, including the Petition for Expediated Declaratory Ruling and Waivers Allowing the Use of E-rate Funds for Remote Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic filed by the Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband (SHLB) Coalition and several other education advocates. Gina Spade of Broadband Legal Strategies is counsel for SHLB.
The other two petitions are a Petition for Waiver filed by the State of Colorado and a Letter submitted by the State of Nevada, the Nevada State Board of Education, and the Nevada Department of Education.