USAC Files 2021 Annual Report
USAC is required to file an annual report with Congress and the FCC by March 31, to provide a summary of USAC’s operations, activities, and accomplishments of the prior year.
Highlights from the 2021 Annual Report include:Rural Health Care Program 2021 Highlights:
- Launched first phase of system modernization prior to opening of FY2022 filing window for funding requests in the HCF Program.
- Collaborated with a business-processing vendor to process FY2020 and 2021 funding requests.
- Hosted four virtual site visits to personalize the daily work of USAC staff and encourage relationship building between staff and program participants.
E-rate Program 2021 Highlights:
- Processed 35,900 applications and committed $2.52 billion. Disbursed more than $2.2 billion, reducing the number of backlogged cases across all operational areas, including invoicing and appeals.
- Deployed multi-factor authentication in July of 2021 to enhance security features.
- Created new E-Rate invoicing dataset and Entity Search Tool.
- Conducted annual training online for the second year with over 8,900 attendees. Basic E-Rate overview session attendance increased by 94 percent over 2020 training.
Annual reports for prior years are available here.