USAC Submits Semi-Annual Audit Report

USAC filed its Semi-Annual Audit Report with the Commission on September 30, 2019.  The report summarized outstanding audit findings as of August 31, 2019.  The report noted that there were:
  • 2 beneficiary audits older than six months with a potential recovery of $11.6 million.  The recovery process is underway, but notification letters have not been issued for these audits.
  • 22 beneficiary audits held in abeyance because an appeal of USAC’s recovery determination is pending with USAC.  The potential recovery is $13.6 million.
  • 69 beneficiary audits held in abeyance because an appeal or waiver of USAC’s recovery determination is pending with the FCC.  The potential recovery is $18.9 million.
  • 39 audits without payment or a satisfactory arrangement for payment of debt.  To date, USAC has transferred $10.3 million to the Treasury Department related to these audits.
  • USAC’s most recent board minutes also noted it had transferred seven audits to the FCC for review because they had “new or novel” issues.

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