Chairwoman Proposes National Goal of 100 Percent Affordable Broadband Access with Minimum Speed Standard of 100/20 Mbps
On July 25, 2023, Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel announced that she shared an updated Notice of Inquiry (NOI) with her colleagues which will begin the Commission’s evaluation of the state of broadband across the country, specifically addressing affordability, adoption, availability, and equitable access.
The NOI also proposes to increase the national fixed broadband standard from 25 Mbps download/3 Mbps upload, which was set in 2015, to 100 Mbps upload/20 Mbps download. It also proposes to set a separate national goal of 1 Gbps upload/500 Mbps download for the future. The NOI must be voted by the full Commission before it is released.